How many houses did Azerbaijanis buy in Turkey? 49 emlak evleri


2018-12-30 12:34:59 2017

How many houses did Azerbaijanis buy in Turkey?

The number of Azerbaijanis interested in buying property in Turkey is increasing. As a result of the depreciation of the Turkish lira, the real estate market is more attractive, so the number of people buying houses from this country is increasing. Oxu.Az reports that although Arabs lead the list in terms of numbers, the number of citizens of England and Germany who buy houses in Turkey is increasing rapidly. At the same time, Russians' enthusiasm for Turkey can be seen in the number of apartments they buy. Azerbaijanis are on the tenth place in the top ten in this list. According to the figures released by the Directorate of Statistics of Turkey, in January-October 2018, Azerbaijanis bought 940 apartments in Turkey, while in 10 months of 2017 it was 789 apartments. It is true that in October 2018, Azerbaijanis bought only 177 apartments in Turkey, but in October 2017, this figure was 278, nevertheless, the number of people who bought houses increased in 10 months of this year. The increase of the numbers to 940 in the ten months of the current year is ahead of 2016 and 2017. That is, during these years, Azerbaijanis bought a total of 610 and 942 apartments in Turkey, respectively.